Cremation has long been a method of disposition throughout history, and its popularity has risen and fallen over the years. Lately, more and more people are opting for cremation rather than traditional burial, and there are many reasons why. Your provider of cremation services near Evanston, IL, can help you understand the many benefits of choosing cremation for your loved one. Here are a few reasons why you might forgo traditional burial for cremation services.
One of the biggest reasons that people choose cremation is because it is typically more economical than traditional burial. You don’t have to purchase a burial plot, a casket, embalming services, or burial services. These can all quickly add up to significant costs, and being able to avoid those expenses can save your family from a lot of financial burden. With cremation, you may simply purchase direct cremation services and then plan a memorial service for your loved one at a date of your choosing. It is much simpler, and you will save a lot of money in the long run.
Another reason that more people are choosing cremation is because it is more eco-friendly than traditional burial in many ways. It doesn’t require the use of land or valuable resources like metal and wood, which are used in the manufacture of caskets. It also doesn’t require the harmful chemicals that are used in embalming services. However, the cremation process does emit some greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which have been known to contribute to certain types of climate change. Overall, though, the immediate environmental impact of cremation services is much less significant than that of traditional burial.
With cremation, many people are drawn to the freedom that they have when it comes to planning the services. A traditional funeral must take place relatively quickly after a person’s death, and you don’t have much leeway when it comes to planning. However, if you choose to have your loved one cremated and then plan a memorial service, you can pick a date and time that allows for far-away family to make travel plans, and you can even wait for a warmer time of year if you live in a seasonal climate. Additionally, there is a multitude of ways that you can memorialize your loved one with their ashes, including scattering, keepsake jewelry, interment, and more. That way, you can choose something that will best fit your loved one’s wishes and how their personality was in life.
If you are considering which method of disposition you want to choose for your loved one after their passing, these are some reasons why cremation may be the right option for your family. Your provider of cremation services near Evanston, IL, can help you find out what the best type of cremation services would be to fit you and your family’s needs, all while fulfilling the wishes of the person you have lost. Then, you can find a fitting and appropriate way to honor their memory using their ashes, so that you and your family can say goodbye in a way that your loved one would have appreciated. Contact us today if you need help or would like to get more information about funeral pre-planning.