If you are in the situation where you have to work on cremation services in Chicago, IL for a loved one, it is a very trying time in your life. It might be the first time you have even broached a cremation service provider for such a thing. Even if you have planned services before, grief has a way of placing a fog over you so you may not remember everything you have to do. Here are a few things the cremation service provider will need when you first call as well as down the road as you proceed.
Your Contact Information
Since you are the person in charge of the services, if the provider has any questions, they want to be able to contact you to get answers. They need to be able to reach you with ease as often as need be. They also will want to know who the person in charge is, so they know who is able to sign certain paperwork.
Your Loved One’s Info
The cremation service provider will also want information on your loved one like their name, address, possible their social security number and so on. They will also need to know where your loved one is located so they can pick them up and transport them to their facilities. They may want a contact name and number for that location as well so they can get to the right person and move your loved one with ease.
The Death Certificate
The cremation provider can pick your loved one up and care for them without too much important paperwork, but before the cremation can take place, they will need to have a death certificate in hand. You will also have to sign a consent form. When you order copies of the death certificate, keep in mind that the cremation service is not the only thing that will want an official copy. It’s good to get many. The provider can help you decide just how many based on their experience.
Further Instructions
The cremation provider is there to implement your plans for your loved one, but they are not there to make them for you. They will want you to instruct them on every part of the process. They will want to know what you want your loved one to wear, whether you want them placed in an urn of your choosing or a simple container that is provided and so on. They will support your decisions once they are made.
These are just a few of the things you will be expected to do and provide as you prepare cremation services in Chicago, IL for your loved one. But don’t worry, the professionals at Chicagoland Cremation Options will make sure you know what you need to do every step of the way. We’re here for you with compassion so you have the backup you need to get through these tough circumstances. It’s never easy to lose a loved one, but we’re here to help.