When a loved one passes away, in most cases, individuals will want to find a way to still feel close to the person. Scheduling cremation service Evanston, IL, can offer a sense of closure, and bringing a token to the grave site can be a way to help maintain a sense of comfort, so here are a few things to consider getting and a few to avoid.
Each cemetery will have a specific set of rules around what is and isn't allowed in the space, and some traditional items include:
Flowers are a traditional and time-honored option that's acceptable in most cultures. The biggest consideration is that if the cemetery only allows fresh flowers, don't bring artificial ones because the groundskeeper may throw them out.
This option is also known as a grave blanket and is typically an evergreen arrangement woven into a natural cover laid out over the grave. Originally these were started by Scandinavian settlers and are placed on the grave sites before the first snow as a symbolic way to keep loved ones safe from the cold.
Any decorations should follow the property's rules and avoid interfering with the ambiance. Most cemeteries will allow you to decorate for major holidays like Christmas, and leaving seasonal favorites like wreaths, or small items like a favorite item of the loved one, can be another great option.
Even though headstones are part of the gravesite, many people leave pebbles, stones, or small rocks on the grave. This tradition started with individuals being buried in shallow locations, and the rocks were believed to help protect the bodies from the external world.
While it can be tempting to bring unique items to the grave site, there are some items to avoid, and they include:
While flags are a standard part of decorating for holidays like veterans and Memorial Day, these are typically small flags and are temporarily in place. And even if flags are allowed at the gravesite, you want to avoid using oversized ones because these can become hazardous to other visitors and a burden for the groundskeepers.
A vase is usually included with a floral arrangement, but you want to avoid bringing them to the cemetery. Typically, they are made from easily breakable items like glass or ceramic; if they fall over, they could shatter and leave material that's jagged and hazardous.
Some believe walking over a grave is bad luck, and others see it as disrespectful, so some choose to install fences around the graves to protect them. This is another item to refrain from bringing because it can create an obstacle for the groundskeeper.
Everyone has a different way of mourning and placing an item on the site of the loved one is a tradition but be sure to use caution in what you choose to leave behind. cremation service Evanston, IL, are a great way to honor an individual after passing on, and our experts are here to answer all your questions and comments, so contact us today to get started.