When you decide on a cremation service for a loved one who has passed away, you may want to go with a burial for them, or a scattering. Both are honorable.
After you decide to have a cremation service in Evanston, IL for a loved one who has passed away, that’s a huge weight off your shoulders. You have decided how to care for their needs and get them in good hands. However, you still have other decisions to make. Once the cremation process is complete and your loved one’s remains are in the container the cremation provider offers or the urn of your choice, you still have to decide what to do with their remains.
There are plenty of things you could do with cremated remains. The most common thing to do is to scatter the ashes, but some families want to go with something more traditional and bury the ashes. Both are perfectly honorable options.
If you bury the ashes in a cemetery, you have a place where everyone in your family can go and visit your loved one. You know they are safe and under good care and it’s nice to have a permanent memorial to them by way of a headstone.
On the other hand, if you decide to scatter ashes, you can do so in a unique location that might also honor your love done. While there isn’t’ a headstone, family members can still go to the location where they were scattered and think about them. And there are no costs involved in the method.
There are going to be pros and cons to either method and you have to simply decide what’s best for your family and what your loved one might have wanted. If they didn’t ever say what their wishes are, think about their personality and what you feel they would most appreciate.
You can also talk to family members and see what they might like the best. Would they like to participate in an ash scattering or would they rather have a grave they can visit both now and in the future? Having others weigh in can give you confidence about what direction you take.
One of the good things about cremation is that once the cremation process is complete, there’s no timeline on any other decisions you have to make. You can have a memorial service right away or you can wait for weeks or months and have it later. You can also decide to bury or scatter your loved one right away, or you can wait and make that decision at a later time, housing your loved one in their urn in your home for the time being.
The professionals who help you with cremation service in Evanston, IL can talk to you about the options you have for final resting places once your loved one is cremated. They won’t make decisions for you, but they will support you in whatever decisions you make and help you to figure out what steps you need to take next. To get the cremation portion organized, contact the professionals at Chicagoland Cremation Options for help in starting the paperwork and taking care of the immediate needs.