As time goes by, it becomes more and more apparent how important it is to take care of our environment. This is achievable in many different aspects of our life, including in what we choose for our final arrangements. The two main options for your body’s disposition are either traditional burial, or cremation services. Seeking cremation services near Glenview, IL, allows you to have less of an impact on the earth than a traditional burial would have, and there are several reasons why.
A traditional burial requires a plot of land, which is becoming ever scarcer throughout the years. Cemeteries are becoming overcrowded, and they are having to expand their land use. With cremation, the family receives ashes which can be stored in an urn or buried. Many different family members’ urns can be buried within one gravesite, which is a much more efficient use of land. Many people don’t even choose to bury cremated remains, but instead keep them in an urn in their home, have them interred in an aboveground niche, or scatter them.
Something else to consider is the use of resources that burial requires, in addition to the toxic chemicals that it releases into the earth. Most caskets are made from hardwoods like oak, maple, mahogany, or walnut. Some are also made using metals like steel, copper, and bronze. These materials are valuable resources that could be used in other ways, but instead will sit buried under the ground for centuries to come. It is said that in an average-sized cemetery, there is enough hardwood buried to build an entire neighborhood’s worth of houses! Additionally, there are toxic chemicals that can potentially be associated with traditional burial. These are primarily due to the chemicals used in the embalming process, as well as some exterior coatings that are used on caskets. By choosing cremation, you avoid contaminating the soil with these substances. Even though embalming is sometimes used prior to cremation, the cremation process ensures that none of the chemicals remain.
While there are greener options for biodegradable caskets available, most of the options out there will not break down into more natural elements anytime soon. With cremation, you can find biodegradable urns that can be buried at sea or in the earth. These can bring your loved one’s remains back to the earth, without introducing any toxic chemicals or taking up large plots of land. Additionally, scattering ashes is an option that does no harm to the environment. It’s a perfect way to bring someone’s remains back to a place that held meaning for them in life.
All of this is not to make the claim that cremation is a perfectly clean process. In fact, it does release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which are known for contributing to accelerated climate change. However, when you take all the benefits into consideration, it’s easy to see that cremation services near Glenview, IL, are a better choice for the environment. If you or your loved one have a passion for protecting your planet, consider avoiding traditional burial and going the cremation route our expert staff is here to help you can also check our pricing here.