Once cremation services are complete, you have to decide what you are going to do with your loved one’s remains. You might scatter them or, you could bury their ashes.
There are lots of different choices you can make after cremation services in LaGrange, IL and one of the most popular is to scatter the remains. Even though that is a well-sought-after process, there are still other things to consider. You might keep the remains in your home, for example. Or you might even bury the remains. There are many reasons to go with a traditional route and bury your loved one’s remains in the cemetery, as you would if they had gone with a funeral. Here are a few such reasons.
The Remains Are Safe
When you place your loved one in a cemetery and bury their urn, you know their remains are safe. You don’t have to worry about them, if they were in your house, getting knocked over or the urn getting broken. You don’t have to worry about where the ashes end up if you were to scatter. The remains are safe, in the ground, in the cemetery right where you left them.
You Have A Place To Visit
Cemeteries can be peaceful places that give you an area to visit when you want to think about your loved one, go over memories, talk to them, and just honor them with flowers. When you bury your loved one’s remains after cremation , you have a place to visit when you want to think about them and honor them. Scattering ashes gives you a general location, but you also know your loved one is no longer there.
There’s a Permanent Memorial
It’s nice to know that while your loved one is always in the same location, there’s also a permanent place you can go to remember them. And, at that location, there is a plaque or headstone marking their resting place. It’s a permanent memorial that you and even your ancestors can see and visit when they want to look into the past life of someone in the family.
Moving Is An Option
While it’s not all that common, it can be done. If you move to another state in the future, and you hate the idea of leaving your loved one behind, you can move them from one burial spot to another. The urn protects them, as does the urn vault, and the process is not all that hard. If you scatter their ashes, that’s that and there’s no going back and moving them later.
There are certainly plenty of reasons you might want to go with cremation services in LaGrange, IL, but even if you do, that doesn’t mean you can’t proceed with a burial service for your loved one and place them in a cemetery. You’ll have a place to visit and a permanent memorial to them. Plus, you know they are safe and you can move them someday, if you so choose. The professionals at Chicagoland Cremation Options can go through the final resting place options with you to help you make the right choices for your family and your loved one so everyone is happy.