There are many different ways that cultures all around the world have adopted to honor the dead. We all seem to agree on the fact that people who go away for good deserve to be celebrated.
The news of a loved one’s death hits every person in a different way. The aftermath of such news can sometimes be devastating, so it takes unique forms the world over as cultures celebrate the life and honor death instead of just drowning in sorrow. At Chicagoland Cremation Options we are of the opinion that clients take better decisions when they know more about the culture of the practice. Cremation service LaGrange, IL is generally more affordable than a traditional burial, but many worry that it will not provide the same kind of closure.
However, experience has taught us otherwise: we have empirically learned that finding closure starts with a deep feeling of wanting to do so.
A cremation ceremony is a funeral service in which a loved one’s cremated remains are present, as opposed to a body in a casket. There are many different ways that cultures all around the world have adopted to honor the dead. We all seem to agree on the fact that people who go away for good deserve to be celebrated.
Throughout history, funeral and cremation ceremonies have served as the nucleus for the grief process. Typically, a cremated body could be buried in a grave or in an urn garden. Cemeteries often accommodate the request of preference. But there are other more creative ways that have surged as people’s efforts to be more real and honest about their ceremonies, rather to only sticking to what was traditional.
A funeral or cremation ceremony is a healthy way to say goodbye to someone who has died. A condolence is an expression of your sympathy for a loss. A sympathy message is something you write for the people who just lost someone. This, you can keep short, especially if you’ve already shared your condolences in person or if you didn’t know the deceased very well. Here are some ideas to inspire you choose what kind of ceremony would better fit your interests and those of the closest people around you.
If you are one who likes to witness everything, then maybe your cremation ceremony could take place at the time of the cremation, a little before or some minutes after. Many cultures, especially in Nordic countries, have embraced water in their rituals of choice for the dead, from laying coffins atop cliffs faced toward the water to actually using the water as a burial ground.
While countless burial traditions around the world include cremation, South Koreans have taken it a step further by turning the ashes into beads. These beads have a bit of a shine to them and come in an array of colors, from pink or black to turquoise. Placed inside glass vases or even open in dishes, the beads can then take center stage inside a home, a more decorative choice than a conventional urn.
Cremation services LaGrange, ILDepending on the wishes of your family and loved one, it’s important to understand that an expensive funeral is not the only option for a beautiful ceremony. Direct cremation frees some of the considerable financial burden that traditional funerals place on families, and allows for a stress free, personal approach to mourning that has benefited more and more families each year.
Then you know, that there are several ways to celebrate the life and memory of the person you just lost but if you find that you still don’t know what cremation service LaGrange, IL is the one for you, give us a call. We are ready to help you with the pertinent arrangements.