If your loved one expressed the desire to have their ashes spread in a certain place, it might seem like not much further thought needs to go into it. However, there are actually some things you should research ahead of time, especially if that place is not on your own property. When you receive your loved one’s ashes back after cremation services near LaGrange, IL, you can start making plans about where and how you want to scatter them.
The truth is, you cannot scatter ashes anywhere you want at any time you choose. Even if your loved one had a specific place in mind, you’ll have to do a little bit of due diligence before planning to scatter there. For instance, if they had chosen a public place like a beach, golf course, or local park, there may be rules about what days, times, and areas scattering ashes is permitted. You can find out your options by contacting the local authorities, or someone like the DNR. These same guidelines would apply to local waterways as well, such as lakes, ponds, rivers, or streams. The main thing is that by checking ahead of time, you won’t run into any issues on the day you choose to scatter. Additionally, you might appreciate knowing a time to go that is less crowded, so that you can have a more peaceful goodbye.
You might be wondering, what about private property? It kind of depends. If it is the property of your loved one, or a family member or friend, then you should have no issues. If it is somewhere bigger, like a stadium, amusement park, private beach, or somewhere similar, you’ll have to get permission from the owner or the people in charge. They may not take kindly to someone scattering ashes there without any planning or permission. Making arrangements ahead of time will ensure that everything goes smoothly for your loved one’s scattering ceremony.
So, are there any places where you can always scatter ashes, no matter what? Actually, there are. It is permissible to scatter ashes into the ocean or at sea, with one minor stipulation. You must have the means to travel at least three nautical miles away from shore. This will also give you and your family a more private and peaceful place to spread your loved one’s ashes. Another place where you can always scatter is on your own private property. There is no one to tell you what is and isn’t allowed there.
These are just a few tips to keep in mind if you’re planning to scatter your loved one’s ashes. For most people, it’s a priority to be able to scatter in the specific place that was chosen by the person before their passing. By doing a little research and due diligence, you can ensure that this happens without a hitch. Your provider of cremation services near LaGrange, IL, can also help you make online arrangements. They can give you advice on local places that you might be planning to go. Then, you can move forward with your loved one’s scattering ceremony, knowing that you are going to return them to a place that they loved in life. Learn our difference and guarantee now.